The OMK-AD612 is a low cost data acquisition system compatible with most IBM personal computers and compatibles. It plugs directly into the personal computerÆs parallel port and derives its power from the parallel portÆs signal lines. It may be used with desktop PCs or because of its compact size it is ideally suited for field use with a portable computer.
The OMK-AD612 is an inexpensive, low speed data acquisition product that is very easy to use. Simply plug it in, load its software, connect your devices and you are ready to begin acquiring data. The OMK-AD612 works under DOS or Windows and is compatible with many software products.
The OMK-AD612 includes six single-ended analog input channels. The maximum sampling rate using the standard software package is 15 samples/sec. The 12 bit resolution combined with the OMK-AD612Æs fixed 0 to 4V full-scale input range provides a minimum resolution of approximately 1 mV. The OMK-AD612 also includes three digital I/O lines. These three lines can be used for input or output.
The OMK-AD612 has three signal
conditioning accessory modules.
These modules give the
OMK-AD612 the ability to accept
thermocouple and millivolt signals
which are not directly readable by
the OMK-AD612. The signal
conditioners are supported by the
software included with the
OMK-AD612. The signal
conditioners do not affect the three
digital I/O lines on the OMK-AD612.
These lines are available for
connection to switches or relays.
The signal conditioners plug directly
into the OMK-AD612 and will not
operate alone.
The OMK-AD612 comes with a
standard software package. This
package includes:
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VIEW an Adobe Acrobat pdf file for more product info (requires Acrobat Reader).